Price Match Policy

Price Match Guarantee

Our Price Match Guarantee makes it easy for you to stock up on essentials for your water adventures.

In-Store Price Match Guarantee:

Know you are getting the lowest price anywhere when you shop BIG Adventures.

If you find a product that's in stock at for a lower price at a competitor's store, we will match the price as long as the identical product is in stock at our store. Proof of the lower price (advertisement or other confirmation) is required. We cannot match prices advertised at clearance, liquidation or other special events. We cannot match 'free with purchase' offers, 'buy one get one free' offers or rebates. We cannot match sale prices or prices advertised on third party Amazon storefronts, eBay, other auction sites or closeout/discount sites (including Craigslist, FaceBook Marketplace, etc).

If you have found a lower price in the United States at an authorized dealer, simply inform one of our knowledgeable reps with the online site where you found the better price; once price and source are confirmed, and the parameters maintained, BIG Adventures will match it!